Thursday, October 13, 2011


Wow. That is simply all I can say when thinking about the love Jesus has for  us. I have been thinking a lot lately how much He loves people. I mean, if He can love EVEN ME, it's just amazing and incomprehensible, God's love.

Lately, God has been challenging me to be a real person. And that's a lot harder to do than it sounds. Like, instead of just being negative or positive, to just take the real route of life.  It's going to be hard to do this, because I'm not used to always being real with people. It will start with me telling the truth about how I am feeling when asked, and go to other things that will expand and hopefully make me a better person. I asked God to do big things in my life, and He certainly is. His timing is perfect, it's just sometimes not when I would expect. Oh well..

But God is also showing me lots of powerful messages in life. It's amazing how God works. He laid a friend on my heart, and so I went about my day to make sure she was doing okay. And low and behold I found out lots about her and about how she needed some prayer. Isn't that amazing!? God knew that my friend needed someone to lift her up in prayer, so He brought the two of us together. And God answers prayers on his own time, and He answered this one. Wow!

And so it goes...

'Cause Your so perfect, I'm so broken. Here you come with arms wide open.

1 comment:

  1. Being real, yup, it is rough. Lesson I am learning everyday. "so let 'em fall down; there's freedom waiting in the sound; when you let you let your walls fall to the ground..." Being vulnerable is hard, but that's what we have to be, because then our need for Christ shines through.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts :)
